Priyanka Chopra launched the website for Yash Raj Films’ forthcoming movie – PYAAR IMPOSSIBLE - yesterday at YRF Studios. Uday Chopra had left for the next shooting schedule of the film and hence could not be present at the press conference had a special message on video for all.
Jugal Hansraj directs Uday Chopra and Priyanka Chopra in this romantic comedy which went on floors this April and is due to release towards the end of the year.
Pyaar Impossible is the story of Abhay and Alisha – Abhay who is a nerdy, awkward, socially challenged and bespectacled geek and Alisha who is the epitome of beauty that any man would willingly rip his heart out for!
And when these two worlds collide you get:
1 Beauty + 1 Geek = Pyaar Impossible!
To find out if Abhay and Alisha can ever come together log on to the exclusive “Pyaar Impossible” movie website at
Starting today you can catch fresh videos and the latest pictures with loads of behind-the-scenes moments on this first of its kind website.
So log onto now and don’t forget to get your daily dose of Pyaar Impossible!
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